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Barefoot Running: What’s It all About?

You may have heard about and have been wondering about the increasing trend of barefoot running. It is as simple as the name sounds—running barefoot (or nearly barefoot). The idea is based on the theory that our feet and our bodies are designed to move correctly with the least amount, or no, assistance or hindrance from footwear. For many, the idea of running without any shoes is not a pleasant thought, so a whole new style of shoes have been developed to assist those who want the freedom of barefoot running without the danger of injury from stones, sticks or worse.

Running or walking barefoot is not revolutionary and in fact, many advocates of the movement state statistics that show for thousands of years, people walked and ran without shoes. Some argue that our feet are designed to move without the support of shoes and in fact some even believe that running shoes can cause more harm than good. These critics site injury caused to the legs and feet, chronic issues such as hip, back and knee problems as the problem of modern day shoes.

On the flip-side, barefoot running shoes are designed to snugly fit to the shape, width and height of a person’s foot without interfering with the natural roll of the ankle or stretch of the muscles. Some designs are very basic and simple pieces of leather than are tied onto the foot which simply protects the sole of the food from puncture injuries. Others such as the Vibram FiveFingers have separated toes, no padding and light top covering with Velcro. Nike, Adidas, Merrell and New Balance all currently make their own versions of barefoot running shoes that look like regular running shoes with more flexible soles and made from lighter fabric. New users should be cautious and take care when first wearing these or any other new shoes. Blisters, leg strain and other injuries can still occur until the shoes are broke in.

These new style of shoes are not just for those keen to pound the pavement or run long distances. They are excellent for the casual walker, cyclist, and hiker and due to their simple design, are even worn by those interested in water sports such as kayaking. They are increasingly used by those going to the gym, restaurant and bar workers and even busy mums wear them as their daily shoe. It is easy to see why they are as popular as they are light, reduce leg and foot stress and can even be a stylish and interesting shoe to add to the wardrobe. Most sports shops now stock these shoes and it is worth taking the time to go check them out if you are thinking about taking on barefoot running.

Get Those Abs Ready For Beach Season!

It’s that time of year again. It’s late February, which means you’re beginning to look forward to Spring break, warm weather, and beach season! Many get excited at the thought of laying on a warm sandy beach while getting tan, while others seem to shudder. Nervousness begins to make their bodies quiver. Have you gained a little extra weight since last September? Is your holiday weight still hanging around your midsection? Or maybe you just tried on your swimsuit for the first time in 7 months and it fit’s a bit snug.

Well, no worries. The good news is we’re not there yet, and you have plenty of time to begin toning up before Spring and Summer vacations are here! Here’s a great mid-section workout to help tone up your abs, which are a problem spot for lots of women trying to get fit.

There are 3 abdominal sections that this workout will focus on. The first is the lower abs, which we’ll tone up by doing the bicycle crunch. To do this exercise , sit on the ground with your legs in front of you bent at about 90 degrees and held off the ground. While first starting you may need to sturdy yourself by placing your hands on the floor at your sides. Begin by doing a bicycle peddling movement as if you’re peddling a bike forwards. Do this for about 15 – 20 rotations. Without stopping, swiftly reverse the rotation. Now you should be peddling as if you’re peddling backwards on a bike. Do this for another 15 – 20 rotations and stop to take a quick break. Aim for doing 2 sets of this to start.

This exercise focuses on giving you rock hard side abdominal muscles, also called obliques. Lie on the floor with your knees bent and pointing towards the left. You’ll twist your torso so your back is lying flat on the ground, or close to it. While placing your hands near your head slowly complete the crunching motion while focusing on a quality oblique contraction. After doing 15 – 20 reps, switch to the opposite side without any rest. After completing both sides take a quick rest and repeat cycle one more time.

This is one of my favorite exercises to do because simply by shifting your back’s position on the stability ball you can workout either the mid or upper abs without much change in position. For this exercise of course you’ll need a stability ball. Most, if not all gyms will have them. They’re also really cheap to pickup at Walmart of even craigslist. All you’ll do is lie on the ball with your hands behind your head and crunch upwards. You may need to position your feet under something sturdy to keep yourself from moving around. You can position the ball under your lower back to work mid abdominal muscles, or higher towards your upper back to focus on upper ab muscles. Aim for 15 – 20 reps, and 2 sets.

There you go, a quick ab workout that focuses on all of your midsection muscle groups. The great part about this routine is that after mastering technique it can be completed in about 5 minutes. Remember, to have the maximum effect of looking great at the beach, these exercises should be included as part of a larger fitness routine . You’ll be looking great on the beach this Spring and Summer!

5 Foods to Keep Your Metabolism Going

Losing weight is never an easy task, especially when you are told to cut foods out of your diet that you usually enjoy indulging in. We’re always informed to stay away from soda, sugary foods, and anything processed if we want a faster metabolism and lower weight. But what is a metabolism anyway? A metabolic rate is the number of calories we burn in a day, which becomes one percent more sluggish with each year after the age of 30. With a statistic as such who wouldn’t want to boost their metabolism? Boosting your metabolism is not as difficult as you may think. With a few easy foods to add to your diet, you can increase that metabolic rate, or as I like to simply put it – burn more calories while eating! I know I am more interested in what I should eat and can indulge in to boost my metabolism and get rid of those extra calories.

Hot Peppers

Spicing up your food definitely boosts your metabolism and helps with weight loss. Hot peppers, including cinnamon, contain capsaicin, which temporarily increases the body’s metabolic rate and blood circulation. Ever notice yourself work up a sweat after eating something spicy? That’s because your body heats up and has to work and burn calories to get back to a cooler temperature. This chemical can even last up to 3 hours, which may result in boosting your metabolism up to 25%.


That’s right, coffee. The caffeine in coffee gives your central nervous system and metabolism an extra 5-8% boost to keep it going faster and burn a little over 100 calories each day. Be careful not to overdue it on the cream and sugar, though. Those additives do nothing for your metabolism.

Greek Yogurt

Low-fat Greek Yogurt is a great food for boosting your metabolism and losing weight due to the loads of protein and calcium it contains. Greek yogurt has twice the amount of protein regular yogurt has. The loads of protein keep your body feeling full for a longer period of time. Yogurt is also known to normalize your digestive tract, which keeps your body healthy and regulated.


Broccoli contains not one but two highly effective metabolism boosting elements, vitamin C and calcium. Studies show that calcium supports weight loss and activates your metabolism, while vitamin C aids your body in captivating more calcium. Broccoli also contains phytochemicals that defend your body from disease, all the while being exceptionally low in calories. Freshly cut or sautéed with other veggies, broccoli is vital for your diet.


Starting your day off with breakfast is one of most crucial steps in speeding up your metabolism. One of the top breakfast options, however, is oatmeal. It’s the best option to jumpstart your day boosting your metabolism and burning off those calories. It’s loaded in fat-soluble fiber, which burns a lot of calories while being broken down and lowering your body’s insulin levels – all the while boosting your metabolism!

Bonus: Purified Iced Water

I know water is technically not a food per se, but it is an easy way to majorly boost your metabolism. When your body consumes cold water, it instantaneously enhances your metabolism. Water also helps with the flow of nutrients throughout the body, suppresses appetite, and is a great detoxifier. Drink up!

How The Paleo Diet Can Help You Achieve Your Weight Loss Goals

For many people across the world, losing weight and keeping it off is a lifelong battle that they simply never win. Fad diets can give you initial results, but often have negative side effects because they are not balanced. In some cases these side effects can even be dangerous to your health. The body is a complex machine that requires specific nutrients in order to function at the optimal level, and if you do not get those in, you will feel ill – but there is one diet out there that gives you permanent results and will not have any negative affect on your overall health. The solution for desperate weight watchers the world over has arrived, and it’s called the Paleo Diet.

What is it?

The Paleo Diet is a diet that is modeled on the diet of cavemen from the Palaeolithic Era. This era was characterized by a hunter gather type of lifestyle, and as a result, the diet would consist of fresh fruit, berries and vegetables, and fresh meat. Also known as the caveman diet, what you essentially allow yourself to eat is fresh vegetables, fresh meat, and occasionally, fruit. That’s it. Those who take on the Paleo Diet thus eliminate sugar, dairy, preservatives, and carbohydrates. Although the levels of severity vary, the main notion is that you have to model your diet on a caveman.

Modern food is stuffed full of chemicals and sugars that most people are not even aware of. Making a drastic change to your diet will invariably have a sudden and occasionally unpleasant effect on your body. The problem with modern food is that it consists of addictive substances, and when you remove them, you are essentially removing an addictive substance from your life. Sugar addiction has been called the biggest killer of our generation, and when you start the paleo diet, you will feel a difference immediately.

Because of the large amount of protein in the diet, you may experience emotional fluctuations as a result of your lack of vitamin D. You may get a headache for a few days, due to the sugar withdrawal, and your bowel movements and structure will change. These symptoms last two to three days, as your body adapts to becoming a mean fat burning machine. And that is exactly what happens. You are forced to burn existing fat for energy, and you will immediately start dropping weight.

Although it sounds impossible, the Paleo diet is completely viable and can become quite enjoyable, You are essentially returning your body back to its natural state, and it will thank you immediately. Increased energy and positivity are immediate side effects, as is weight loss And with plenty of forums online, and Cool Paleo Cookbooks out there to keep things interesting, you will inevitably start to realize that living your life in this healthy way is the only way to go.